The tGrid Structure

A grid in bamps refers to a single cell. It contains both the local solution stored in tArrays, as well as some metadata about its refinement status. Information pertaining to the grid boundaries are encapsulated in the up to six tBoundary structures.



tHypergrid* hypergrid

A pointer to the hypergrid.

tPatch* patch

A pointer to the patch this grid is in.

int npatch

The index of the patch this grid is in.

int hlevel

h-refinement level of this grid. Lowest level is 0.

int hlflag

target h-refinement level as determined by refinement indicator. This data comes from the corresponding tNode of this grid, but is also stored here so it gets transferred properly when grids are exchanged during load balancing.

int ne_hlflag[6][4]

hlflag entries of all possible neighbours of this grid. First index addresses directions, second index addresses neighbours in that direction.

int* i8s

This array of ints contains the h-refinement history of this grid. It contains the child indices of its ancestors, running from 0 to 7 for each level, up to the current level. These numbers are used during coarsening to determine groups of sibling grids. This array is dynamically allocated since the number of h-levels is not known at compile time.

int plevel

The current p-refinement level of this grid

The number representing a p-refinement level does is not identical with the polynomial order of grids on that level. It is simply an index.
tBoundary** boundaries

Array of (pointers to) the tBoundary structures belonging to this grid.

struct tGrid ** neighbors


int nneighbours


Number of neighbours can be determined by querying the tBoundaries for neighbour grid indices, and counting entries that are not -1.
int ngrid

MPI-local index of this grid in the local gridstack.

int ngrid_global

MPI-global index of this grid. This serves as a unique identifier of a grid.

int filter[3]

? Flags determining whether this grid should be filtered in different directions ?

int troubled

Flag showing whether this grid is "troubled" as determined by the troubled cell indicator.

int evolve_step

Which evolve step the grid is currently at.

double time

What time this grid has been evolve up to.

double dt

Local timestep used to evolve this grid.

double tstart

Initial time of this grid.

int* output_indices[OTYPENUM]

Indices for every type of output.

int n_output_indices[OTYPENUM]

Number of indices for every type of output.

int nx, ny, nz

Number of grid points in x, y, and z direction.

int nnn

Total number of grid points on this grid.

int nnnv

Total number of grid points on the grid, multiplied by the number of variables stored at each point.

tGridOrientation orientation

Orientation of the patch.

tGridType type

Type of this grid.

int rank

MPI rank of this grid.

int nv

Number of variables.

int nvflux

Number of fluxes.

int nvini

Number of initial data variables.

int nana

Number of analysis variables.

double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

Extent of the grid. Actually related to (u,v,w) coordinates and not (x,y,z).

double hmin, h1min, h2min, h3min

minimal grid spacing in different directions.

Grid Variables

tArray* adm

Pointer to ADM data.

tArray* ini

Pointer to parts of the initial data, used for H phase-in.

tArray* u

Pointer to the evolved data.

tArray* ustat

Pointer to static fields, of which we don’t take derivatives.

tArray* ru

Pointer to computed right hand sides.

tArray* flux

Pointer to computed fluxes (DG).

tArray* u_prev


tArray* r

Pointer to rhs for time integrators.

tArray* v, w

Pointers to additional storage for Runge-Kutta scheme.

tArray* ana

Pointer to analysis variables (variables not evolved, but derived from th variables in u after each time step).

tArray* ddd

Pointer to derivatives.

tArray* tmp

Pointer to temporary storage.

tArray** ini_sub, u_sub, ustat_sub, ru_sub, flux_sub, u_prev_sub, r_sub, v_sub, w_sub, ana_sub, ddd_sub

Pointers to sub-arrays for individual modules.

tArray* metric_interface

Metric interface. Contains gab and Γabc.

tArray* matter_interface

Matter interface. Contains energy-momentum tensor Tab.

tArray* df_interface

Dual Foliation interface. Contains inverse Jacobian.

tArray** averages

Grid averages of variables, needed for limiters.

tArray*** sub_averages

Sub-averages of variables across the up to 8 octants of the grid.

int* u_odd_flags_x, u_odd_flags_y, u_odd_flags_z

Pointers to the odd flags for physical fields for this grid.

Grid collocation, coordinates, operators

tArray* ucoord, vcoord, wcoord

3d arrays of (u,v,w) coordinates.

tArray* xcart, ycart, zcart, rcart

3d arrays of Cartesian coordinates.

tArray* J

Jacobians (actually the inverse Jacobian!).

tArray* detJ

Determinant of the Jacobian. Needed for volume form.

tArray* JdetJ

Needed for DG to fulfill metric identities.

tArray* uvw_1d[3]

1d arrays of (u,v,w) coordinates.

tArray* interpolations_weights[3]

Interpolation weights for each direction.

tArray* integration weights[3]

Spectral integration weights for each direction.

tArray* Dx1d, Dy1d. Dz1d

1d derivative matrices.

tArray* amr_c2f[3][2]

1d coarse to fine interpolation matrices. First index addresses direction, second index addresses "left" or "right" half target grid.

tArray* amr_f2c[3][2]

1d fine to coarse interpolation matrices. Indices as above.

tArray* DGxMinv, DGyMinv, DGzMinv

1d DG mass matrices (inverse).

tArray* DGxMinvS, DGyMinvS, DGzMinvS

1d DG matrices (mass_inv . stiffness).

tArray* A1d[3]

Analysis matrices.

tArray* S1d[3]

Synthesis matrices.

tArray* F1d[3]

Filter matrices.

tArray* m2v_modal

WENO matrices

tArray* ideal_weights[3]


tArray* smoothness_beta


int symmetric[3]
